

April 08, 2024

COSMICA Art Residency October, 2024: Journey of Regeneration and Connection **APPLICATIONS OPEN THROUGH JULY 15**

We are thrilled to announce we will be hosting COSMICA-res 2024 in October. COSMICA-res is an unprecedented residency program that merges the realms of art, science, and the ancestral wisdom of the Amazon. Hosted in the breathtaking surroundings of the Amazon Rainforest, this initiative is more than just a residency; it’s a transformative journey that invites artists, scientists, educators, and thinkers from around the globe to engage deeply with the natural world and the indigenous cultures that steward it. Applications are open until July 15.

The Vision of COSMICA-res

At the core of COSMICA-res lies a profound respect for the Amazonian ecosystem and the communities that have thrived in harmony with this lush landscape for millennia. Our mission is to foster an environment where creative and scientific pursuits intersect with indigenous knowledge to inspire a collective reimagining of our relationship with Earth. By placing the Amazonian cosmovision at the heart of our discussions, we aim to catalyze a shift in consciousness towards planetary regeneration.

What to Expect

The COSMICA-res program, situated in the serene community of Paraíso by the Rio Itaya, offers a 22-day immersive experience that is as enlightening as it is enriching. Participants will find themselves enveloped in the vibrant life of the Amazon, staying in jungle cabanas and partaking in a curated itinerary that includes:

  • Workshops and Lectures: Learn from a diverse array of speakers, including local shamans, artists, scientists, and educators, who will share their knowledge and insights on a range of topics from environmental regeneration to indigenous art and shamanism.
  • Cultural and Natural Explorations: Engage in forest walks, river excursions, and visits to local communities, deepening your connection to the land and its people.
  • Creative and Spiritual Practices: Participate in medicinal plant sessions guided by experienced professionals, offering a direct pathway to the Amazonian spiritual world.

Who We’re Looking For

COSMICA-res is seeking interdisciplinary participants who share a passion for exploring the nexus of culture, environment, and spirituality. We welcome artists, scientists, philosophers, writers, and educators who are keen to contribute to a dialogue on creating conscious communities and fostering environmental stewardship.

Join Us in Shaping a Regenerative Future

COSMICA-res 2024 is more than an opportunity to explore the Amazon; it’s a call to action for those who believe in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration to inspire real-world change. Through this residency, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the intricate connections between humans and the natural world, paving the way for a future where these relationships are characterized by reciprocity, respect, and mutual flourishing.

We look forward to welcoming a diverse group of participants to join us in this extraordinary journey. Together, let’s embark on an exploration that transcends boundaries and fosters a collective commitment to our planet’s well-being.

For more information and to apply, visit the event page. Let’s create a legacy of interconnectedness and creativity that honors the Earth and all its inhabitants.


Podcast with Nina Izel about ayahuasca and healing, its connection with science and the integration process
Our friends: We are very happy to recommend (and to have inspired) some of the works of the following people who have stayed with us
Michele Maino, 2022

Michele Maino is a writer, a vegetarian Chef with a background as a Scholar in Oriental languages, including Sanskrit, a Journalist and Investigator of the soul.

Reading La Foresta Interiore, will embark you on an incredible journey through rituals and ancient knowledge related to master plants.

Zoë Hababou, 2022

Zoë Hababou is a graduate in philosophy and fascinated by the consciousness phenomena. She discovered her role as a visionary artist thanks to the teachings of Ayahuasca. Her style is raw, intense and fierce.

The saga Borderline is the trashy and shattering Odyssey of an ex-junkie still in love with his dead twin sister. He will try to clear his head before taking the ultimate plunge, by following a shaman into the diabolic jungle of his own mind.

Follow Zoë’s work online here