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Here are some videos about us and the ayahuasca world around us.

Pyschoanalyst Jean-Charles Bouchoux – author of several books, including The Perverse Narcissists – interviews Don Gardel about his history with the medicine.
Jean-Charles Bouchoux interviews Fabrizio
This pleasant video made by one of our customers about her experience in our center. Views of Iquitos and the river Itaya. Very well done visuals about her ayahuasca psychedelic experience.
Short video to present us, the place, the river Itaya, the shamans, the nature and the nearby village Paraiso.
Fabrizio Beverina founder of Paojilhuasca explain why drink ayahuasca in the original contest where ayahuasca is born is better
Jean-Charles Bouchoux interviews La Maestra Alicia.
Take a tour with Don Gardel to see many beneficial plants and their uses in their native environment.
Video about our campaign to rise founds to improve the life of the people of the village next to us.
Nina Izel interview the funder of Paojilhuasca about his experience with the medicine and his past experience as scientist and world traveler.
Shipibo master Daniel Lopez explains the works of ayahuasca using a painting that serendipitly happen to be done by one f our customers
Documentary from Paojilhuasca guest's transformational journey - "Asael's Voice"
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